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Advertisement, Harper's Bazaar, December 1957.

Throughout the early 20th century, Chicago department stores became the models for those across the country, but they were not the only thing changing the lives of wealthy, typically white, women.

Main Rousseau Bocher, later known as Mainbocher, a desginer born and raised in Chicago, is a designer that also changed the lives of these women. Designing classic, elegent couture, Mainbocher created gowns and coats that were indicative of the simple, understaded clothing from the turn of the century while still pushing the envelope; he was one of the first to promote a corsetted nipped-waist look, while still creating practical and versatile clothing for women during the war. 

This classic yet modern approach to design is seen in the jacket in this advertisement from the December 1957 issue of Harpers Bazaar